The New Science of a Lost Art
โญ Key notes
- Breathe through your nose.
- Breathe less – limit inhales and extend exhales.
- Increase lung capacity.
- Chew more.
๐๐ฝ Nose vs Mouth
Benefits of nose breathing
- More oxygen.
- Better sleep and less snoring.
- Less nasal congestion.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Increased focus, energy and well-being.
- Increased mental clarity.
- Increased athletic performance.
- Better aligned jaw and facial structure.
Why the nose
- The nose purifies, heats, moistens, and pressurises the air.
- These changes increase oxygen absorption by 10-15%.
- Nasal breathing increases nitric oxid levels by 6x. More nitric oxide leads to bette blood circulation and energy.
- Hum while exhaling to increase nitric oxide levels even further.
Reduce nasal congestion
- Exhale through your nose.
- Pinch nose shut and hold your breath.
- Shake your head from left to right (to keep mind off holding your breath).
- Once you have an intense sensation that you have to breathe – take a slow, controlled breath through your nose.
- Repeat until you can easily breathe through your nose.
๐ Optimal Breathing Pattern
Breathe less, not more
- Fewer breaths result in more carbon dioxide.
- Higher levels of carbon dioxide is associated with greater oxygen absorption.
- To build up carbon dioxide, breathe lighter and less frequently.
Perfect breath: 5.5 seconds in, 5.5 seconds out
- The optimum amount of air at rest is 5.5 litres.
- The optimum breathing rate is 5.5 breaths per minute – 5.5 second inhales and 5.5 second exhales.
Exhale to relax
- The heart speeds up when inhaling and slows down when exhaling.
- During exhalation, blood flows back through the body and calms your mental state.
Increase lung capactity
- Lungs can be strengthened like a muscle.
- Moderate and consistent exercise – walking and cycling.
- Breathe deeply.
- Increased lung capacity has been cited as an indicator of life span.
๐ Nostril Breathing
Left nostril: rest, relaxation, creativity
- Breathe through left nostril before meals.
- Left nostril breaks the system.
- Relaxation and reduced anxiety.
- Cools body.
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Creativity.
Right nostril: alertness, logic, fight or flight
- Breathe through right nostril before meals to heat body and aid digestion.
- Triggers fight or flight response.
- Increased alertness, logic and computing.
๐จ Breathing Exercises
Navy Seal Box Breathing
- Inhale for 4 seconds.
- Hold breath for 4 sencds.
- Exhale for 4 seconds.
- Hold breath for 4 seconds.
- Repeat.
Surya bhedana pranayama – focus and balance
- Inhale through right nostril.
- Hold for a few seconds.
- Exhale through left nostril
Wim Hof Method
- Inhale deeply through nose.
- Exhale deeply.
- Repeat for 30 continous breaths.
- Fully exhale as much as possible.
- Hold exhaled breath for as long as possible.
- Inhale fully and hold for 15 seconds.
- Repeat.
Tummo breathing technique – reset immune system
- Sit with good posture, closed eyes, and hands resting over stomach.
- Relax the mind.
- Visualise a fire in your stomach.
- Inhale deeply through nose, expanding the torso and chest. Imagine the oxygen is fuelling the fire.
- Exhale strongly through mouth, as if blowing through a straw.
- Repeat for five breaths.
- Swallow gently, to push breath down with the diaphragm.
- Exhale after holding breath as long as possible.
- Repeat for a few rounds.
Holotropic breathwork – rewire the mind
- Lie down in a safe environment.
- Close eyes and release tension in muscles.
- Take a fwe relaxing breaths.
- Deepen breathing by inhaling through nose and pushing stomach out as far as possible.
- Speed up breath.
- Countinue breathing in a rhythm.
Hypoventilation – underbreathing
- Run as fast as possible whilst holding breath.
- Take a few huffs.
- Repeat.
๐ Chewing
- Soft food and lack of chewing is making our mouths smaller.
- More chewing releases stem cells and leads to stronger bones.