Push, Pull, Legs, Core

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Push


Attribute development

  1. Wide pushup – target pecs
  2. Fingers out pushup – less pressure on joints
  3. Superman pushup – core engagement
  4. Elevated pushup – strength
  5. Clapping pushup – explosive strength
  6. Walking pushup – strength and mobility
  7. Spiderman pushup – build motor control
  8. Scorpion pushup – improve hip mobility

Single arm strength

  1. Narrow pushup – target triceps and strength
  2. Side to side pushup – start building one side
  3. Around the world pushup – improve shoulder mobility and strength
  4. Screw up pushup – target shoulder and elbow strength
  5. Archer pushup 1 – load one side of the body
  6. Archer pushup 2 – load one side of the body
  7. Staggered pushup – load one arm
  8. Single arm pushup – arm strength and control

๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Pull


๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿผ Legs


  1. Bodyweight squat
  2. Wide stance squat
  3. Close stance squat
  4. Lunge
  5. Explosive squat
  6. Explosive squat from knees
  7. Ankle touch
  8. Bulgarian split squat
  9. Weighted Bulgarian split squat
  10. Knight
  11. Wall pistol hold
  12. Supported pistol squat
  13. Pistol squat
  14. Weighted pistol squat

Pistol squat

  1. Ankle mobility
  2. Touchdown squat – balance, stability, mobility
  3. Touchdown squat with leg sweep
  4. Pistol squat

โ˜€ Core

Ab routine

  1. Scissor leg raise
  2. Leg raise to hip up
  3. Reverse crunch
  4. Flutter kick
  5. rest
  6. Russian twist
  7. Side oblique crunch
  8. Side plank rotation
  9. rest
  10. L toe touch
  11. V sit crunch
  12. Bodyweight crunch
  13. Explosive sit-up
  14. rest
  15. Plank knee-in
  16. Extended plank-up
  17. Stomach vacuum

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