5am Club:
Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
⭐ Key Notes
- Move – 20 minutes of exercise.
- Reflect – 20 minutes of focused thinking or meditation.
- Learn – 20 minutes to read or listen to a podcast.
🥇 Four Focuses of History Makers
Focus 1: Capitalisation IQ
- Success is linked with your ability yo capitalise on your innate talents, not the talents themselves.
- Capitalisation IQ is our ability to materialise our strengths.
- Identify your gifts and strengths.
- Focus on your strongest areas, rather than being a victim of weaknesses.
Focus 2: Freedom from distraction
- Focus on a few brilliant projects, rahter than diluting your attention across countless ideas – simplify.
- Eliminate distractions – put away phone and turn off media.
- Our ancient brain wants to fear growth and progress, and embrace distractions.
Focus 3: Personal mastery practice
- Focus on the fours interior empires:
- Mindset – your beliefs drive your daily behaviour. Optimise your outlook.
- Heartset – amplify positive emotions and practice gratitude. Toxic feelings prevent mastery.
- Healthset – physical fitness ensures that our brain can operate at it’s highest level of cognition.
- Soulset – spend time remembering who you truly are. Practice meditation and contemplation.
Focus 4: Day stacking
- Focus on creating great days and make them consistent.
- Consistency is the key to mastery – improve 1% daily.
⚛ Habit Installation Protocol
Phase 1: Destruction
- During the first 22 days – a new habit feels difficult as our brain is rewiring.
Phase 2: Installation
- During the second 22 days – the moment where things are coming together.
- At this point, you will feel frustrated and confused.
- The soreness of growth is much less expensive than the devastating cost of regret.
Phase 3: Integration
- During the final 22 days – you will experience the benefits and encode the reoutine into your brain’s wiring.
Automaticity point
- After 66 days – preparation and neuroplasticity come together to make the habit an automatic part of our routine.
🧪 Victory Hour – 20/20/20 Formula
- 5am to 6am is the victory hour.
- It is the time with least distraction.
- The solitude allows deep work and attain clarity.
Pocket 1: 5:00am to 5:20am – MOVE
- Do some form of exercise for 20 minutes.
- Exercise helps to emit neurotransmitters that helps to build brain cells and increase focus.
- Have everything prepared the night before – clothes, music playlist, workout schedule.
- Exercise ideas – cardio, weighlifting, yoga.
Pocket 2: 5:20am to 5:40am – REFLECT
- What is great in my life? -> gratitude.
- What am I great at? -> strengths and value-add.
- What do I want to be great at? -> set vision and goals.
- What would make today great? -> set priorities for the day.
- Reflection ideas – plan the day, write down troubles, meditate.
Pocket 3: 5:40am to 6:00am – GROW
- Growth ideas – read books, listen to podcasts, watch educational videos, study a topic of interest.
- Adopt a new mindset or behaviour.
Caveats to the 20/20/20 formula
- Get plenty of quality sleep – 6 to 8 hours of sleep. An evening routine can be invaluable to a successful morning routine.
- Customise the routine – adapt the 20/20/20 principle to the most suuitable times. Increase ot decrease the blocks as necessary, but practice all three principles.
- Work-rest balance – to sustain excellence in the long term, you need to alternate between High Excellence Cycles and Deep Refuelling Cycles. Make rest part of your routine and schedule vacations for the long term.
🎓 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius
- The Tight Bubble of Total Focus (TBTF): find a place to work that allows productivity and creativity, without distractions or negative energy.
- 90/90/1 Rule: for 90 days, spend the first 90 minutes, on the single most important project in your life.
- 60/10 Method: after the first 90 minutes, split the rest of the day into 60 minute blocks, followed by 10 miuntes of relaxation.
- Daily 5 Concept: set five goals for each day.
- Second Wind Workout (2WW): after the work day is comlpete, perform a 30-60 minute workout or go for a walk.
- Two-Massage Protocol: schedule two massages per week, or activities that you enjoy.
- Traffic University: listen to books or podcasts during commutes.
- Dream Team Technique: delegate tasks that do not require your attention or do not make optimal use of your time.
- Weekly Design System: spend time on sunday to plan the following week – 90/90/1, 60/10, workouts, massages etc.
- 60-Minute Student: spend at least 60 minutes each day learning.